FIRST-I like spelling it FUNNY-NESS!
*The spellcheck on my email system tries to change the word "gonna" to "g-o-n-a-d" in all of my emails. (You figure out the word! I couldn't even spell it all out without feeling weird!)
*On the side of Monistat cream for a yeast infection it says, "Apply liberally" (That's not a problem). "Do not scratch." (That's a problem! If you were honest you would say how hard that is when you need the cream!!!!)
*I sent an email one time talking about eating squid. My spellcheck changed one word from tentacles to testicles.
*I tried to get my friend's attention one time by tapping his leg. He wouldn't acknowledge me. Maybe because he is paralyzed from the waste down!!!! I'm an idiot!! I forgot! He would probably see that as a compliment though! What a nice guy!
hahahahahahaha.... my fav is gonna to gonad!!