I think about Guatemala all of the time. No really, ALL of the time. Evey day several, more than several, times an hour. Some days it is a stronger feeling. I can close my eyes and then I can even smell the beautiful city and feel the weight of the pews and bump of the bus ride. I can smell the pancakes and feel the Gerona grass under my shoes. I can feel the hugs of Delmi and hear the laughter of Pastor Carlos without understanding a word he says! I see the beautiful women who cook our delicious meals sneak me some fried plantain before anyone else gets in :). I see the ladies laughing and crying and fellowshipping with each other. I see the kids running in the main room in a mass of happy chaos! I hear the neighbors bird calling for its "momma". Or at least that's what it sounds like. I can see the city likes in the numerous times I get up during the night. I can see my Guatside ladies praying and laughing as we drink our coffee and eat our afternoon cookie. (OK, cookiessss.) I see chains of rape, murder, abuse of every kind broken. I see papers of lies being burnt and evil rebuked after a night of fretful sleep. I see people smiling as they live in the poorest conditions you can NEVER imagine.
I can always hear, see, feel, even smell Guatemala when I close my eyes. Then there are days when I don't even invite it in and it hits me so hard that it's there when my eyes are open. And I'm almost afraid to close my eyes because I know when I open them I won't be there and suddenly there is a need to pray so strongly for the school and church building that you even search the web for any news. It is a strange feeling to be homesick at home. It's not something you can describe fully. It is more than a feeling. It is an aching, a longing, a get me on a plane right now feeling.
I don't understand how some who have been don't feel this. I don't understand how some who have never been don't see the need to support it to be honest. I just know why we do.
So here is why............
Wait, why what?????? Too much can be put behind that word "why". But only one phrase really fits to sum up all of the words, "Because He told me to". That is why.